What Was Hygiene Like In The Victorian Era?

Today’s generation has been blessed with sanitation technology developed years before them. In addition to the technology that aids us in our hygienic practices, we are also quite meticulous in our personal hygiene. But have you ever wondered how people from past eras maintained their hygiene? Check out this video from Weird History as they discuss the hygienic practices of the Victorians. Spoiler alert: despite their lavish clothing and jewelry, they were apparently gross.

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Re; Slavery being edited out. He was not mad that slavery was excluded in general. He was mad because he had written the King himself was responsible for bringing slavery to the colonies. That accusation of the King is what got edited out, not just the idea of slavery.
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Actually, DeRoest - there wasn't a United States, just 13 united States. A slight but significant distinction (it was 13 separate but united states that declared independence, not a country named "United States")
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In answer to the "when did it become the United States, basically it was after the Civil War. Before that people would say " the united states are..." and after they would say " the Umited States is...". ( credit to late historian Shelby Foote for that)
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Frank, I think the point is that the document itself was declaring our independence from the monarchy and therefore we would no longer be "subjects" but "citizens" of a new government despite the fact that the final form of that actual government would not be completed until the Constitution was ratified.

It demonstrates that Jefferson had to even change his mindset seeing this was the first declaration of its kind against the British throne.

Overall it's just a neat fact that allows historians to get all excited. And they deserve to get excited once in a while. :)
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