Archive for June 26th, 2020

Duck Tape Prom Dress Has Coronavirus Art Theme

For twenty years now, Duck brand tape has held the Stuck at Prom competition, in which scholarships are up for grabs for the best prom dress and tuxedo made from Duck tape. The 2020 competition is now closed for entries,...

Why Did Men Stop Wearing Hats?

For thousands of years, men wore hats in public, first for protection, but soon after for decoration. The hat design signaled a man's status and fashion sense, but could also broadcast his profession, affiliation, wealth...

Honey Is Making A Comeback As A Treatment For Wounds

Back in ancient times, humans liked to put various things on their open wounds, many of them strange (like moldy bread), if not disgusting (like animal poop). Aside from these things, they also put honey on their wounds,...

Florida Woman Sues Neighbor, Seeks Paternity Test On Her Goats

A Florida woman named Kris Hedstrom has filed a lawsuit against her neighbor, Heather Dayner. Hedstrom seeks a paternity test for five Nigerian dwarf goats — Bella, Gigi, Rosie, Zelda and Margoat — that she b...

Why Birds Can Fly Over Mount Everest

Walter Murch was contemplating bar-headed geese. These geese spend their summers in Kazakhstan or Mongolia, and their winters in India. To migrate, they must fly over the Himalayan Mountains. That's a feat that requires...

Husky Ancestors Started Hauling Sleds for Humans Nearly 10,000 Years Ago

It appears that DNA evidence shows that huskies, malamutes, and sled dogs descended from Siberian wolves. The genomes of modern Greenland sled dogs were compared to a 9,500-year-old sled dog found in Siberia and a 33,000...

SlothBot is Both Cute and Useful

Magnus Egerstedt of Georgia Tech's School of Electrical and Computer Engineering watched sloths in Costa Rica and was inspired to create a robot that was just as energy-efficient, if a bit slow. The result is SlothBot, a...

Questionable Relationship Advice

Face it, girl, he's just not that into you. Julie Nolke (previously at Neatorama) plays three friends discussing a man. I've heard this exact conversation both among friends and in my head, and the upshot from my many ye...

Why Americans Eat Dessert for Breakfast

Johnny Harris goes on a rant about the standard American breakfast, but it has a lot of interesting information in it. American breakfast comes in two versions; the "diner breakfast" which he describes as IHOP serves it,...

LEGO Relief Map

<p>When cartography enthusiast Cameron Bennett went into quarantine in March, he needed something to keep him busy. His solution was to build an accurate <a href="

The South Carolina Forest That Looks Like Melted Ice Cream

The photograph above has not been filtered nor Photoshopped. It's a rainbow swamp!With its sometimes-swampy landscape stippled with soaring cypresses, Congaree National Park in central South Carolina looks like a prehist...

How Clean Do Your Dishes Really Need to Be, Anyway?

As one who has dealt with the dinner dishes for more years than I care to admit, one thing I will admit is that this headline kind of floored me. Dishes must be clean! Clean them all the way! Well, that's what I tried to...

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