Archive for June 18th, 2020

Gender-Swapped Fictional Characters

Not gonna lie, totally into Lady Spock— Art Of Coop (@ARTofCOOP) June 16, 2020 People have been having fun with FaceApp and other image manipulation tools to see what they would look...

Office Small Talk Is Essential

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">If you’re looking forward to stepping up your presence and influence in your workplace, then try making small talk with your coworkers. It’s...

Street Cat Named Bob Dies At Age 14

The cat that inspired A Street Cat Named Bob has died. James Bowen took care of the injured cat in 2007, and decided to look after him. Bowen wrote a book about his and Bob’s relationship that became a hit...

Drill Music Is Being Used To Teach Philosophy

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Philosophy is a hard topic to decipher and teach, especially to younger students. RoadWorks, an organization that teaches social sciences use Drill Musi...

Face Shelving

<p>Alexi McCarthy, an art director, designed and built <a href="" target="_blank">Face Shelving</a> with his son. It's a cute loo...

I'm a Stencil!

This is cute and clever. Kevin Parry made a stop-motion video with just a water hose sprayed at a wall -with him between them. Here's a look at the process.  Andrea Nesbitt mentioned she had lots of fun spraying him...

The History of Scholastic Book Fairs

Parents know that once children begin to read for pleasure, their reading skills improve, and so does their entire educational experience. One way to kick-start this process is to let students select their own books, and...

Meet The First FDA-Approved Prescription Video Game

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">EndeavorRx is a FDA-approved prescription game that helps kids between ages eight to twelve who are struggling with ADHD. The game lets users dodge obst...

Food In Exchange For Grooming

The parent barn owl has come back to its nest and to its young after a hunt, bringing with it a vole as food for the young. Unfortunately, the food cannot be easily split, and so only one chick can be fed at a time, whil...

Is The World More or Less Dangerous?

With the many technological advancements that the world has seen since the end of World War II, it could be said that wars may be more violent than they were before. After all, new weapons of war mean new ways to kill a...

Antares Is Bigger Than We Thought

Found around 604 light-years from Earth, in the constellation Scorpius, is the red supergiant star Antares. When scientists estimated its diameter in the past, they determined that about 700 of our own suns could fit in...

Synchronized Basketball Is Amazing

<p>You know what’s more epic than synchronized swimming? Synchronized basketball!</p><p>In this amazing montage, watch as various basketball players unconsciously synchronize their movemen...

Children Are Exposed To Junk Food Marketing In Social Media

<p>Despite being protected against advertisements of tobacco, alcohol, and gambling, children who use social media are still exposed to a health risk in the form of junk food advertisements from junk food c...

Cool Survival Tips You Might Want To Remember

<p>It is never a bad idea to arm yourself with survival tips, as you never know when disaster will strike. The only problem, however, is trying to remember these things when disaster does strike, as you mig...

All My Rockets That Didn't Work

A perfect rocket launch is a thing of beauty, but failures are much more entertaining! Since you learn from your mistakes, we are pretty sure YouTuber has learned a lot from these many failures. -via Digg...

Chicken Arms!

I may have found the most useless yet the most adorable thing on the Internet: chicken arms (which are really doll arms tied on a steel wire).A man known only as “Uncle Brian” sent this product via priority m...

The Meaning Behind A Queen Bee’s Tooting And Quacking

<p>Scientists have managed to decode the tooting and quacking sounds that newborn queens make in the hive. Apparently, the queens quack when they are ready to emerge from their eggs. Only one of them, howev...

Social Media in Real Life

It's easy to unfriend someone, even face to face. What's hard is befriending someone. It takes a lot more than a click. Doug Savage of Savage Chickens shows what works and doesn't work among the two platforms....

Giving A Proper Answer To “Tell Me About a Time You Failed”

“Tell me about a time you failed,” or some variation of this question is considered by many applicants to be the most dreaded interview question. But this question is not asked to make the applicant embarrass...

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