Did you accidentally slosh coffee onto your desk? Don't worry about your important documents. Stefan Kuhnigk will spice up that brown splash mark with appropriate body parts for a mysterious creature. He calls the results Coffee Monsters.
Kuhnigh tells Bored Panda that the whole project started accidentally:
Once upon a time there was a little copywriter (that is me, Stefan), who spilled a cup of coffee. What emerged from the depth of the darkest espresso available was a small monster. It looked at me and said: “Draw me, draw me, draw meeee!”
And then I drew. The next day I thought “Well, I could do it daily, just to be creative every day.” So I took a spoon and spilled some coffee on paper. My colleagues looked at me the way people look at people who go completely nuts. Well, they didn’t know.
-via Pleated Jeans