Archive for May 13th, 2020

Dune Cosplay at Home

<p>Chelsea, from the staff of the Seattle Public Library, <a href="" target="_blank">rules over the known universe</a> a...

Two Men Disguise As Buoys To Take A Swim At The Mediterranean

At a glance from afar, two buoys can be seen floating next to each other. However, as they go near the shore, one would notice a strange detail from the pair of buoys: both of them have a pair of hands. Clearly, those ar...

Exercises To Counteract Too Much Sitting

<p>Many of us now probably just spend most of our time sitting down in front of our computers at home to work or to communicate with friends. Too much sitting down, however, is bad to our body and our overa...

Facebooks Pays $52M For Failing To Protect Its Moderators

<p>Facebook will pay $52 million in a settlement for failing to protect its moderators. A court case alleged the company failed to protect its moderators from the mental health impacts of their job. Moderat...

LA’s Legendary Mochi Is Made In This 117-Year-Old Shop

<p>Fugetsu-Do Confectionery is home to LA’s legendary mochi. The shop opened in 1903, making it the oldest shop in LA’s Little Tokyo. The Fugetsu-Do Confectionery is also the oldest Japanese-Ame...

This Principal Drove Over 800 Miles To Visit Graduating High School Seniors

<p>The pandemic has caused a lot of establishments to close. Gatherings, events, concerts, and graduations have been postponed as well. The current situation did not stop this Texas principal as he drove ov...

The Hacker Who Saved The Internet

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Marcus Hutchins single-handedly put a stop to the worst cyberattack the world had ever seen. Hutchins saved the internet from a piece of malware called...

Here Are This Year’s Winners of the BigPicture Natural World Photography World Competition

<p>In the African savanna, a cheetah can be seen upside down in midair, with its paws near the hind legs of its prey. Its prey, the impala, is caught. The photograph, however, does not say if the impala esc...

Deadliest Animal Comparison

Quick- which animals kill the most humans? What we are scared of has little to do with what is really dangerous. But then again, tapeworms don't make a great movie villain the way a shark does. -via Digg...

Controlling Your Air Conditioner Using A GameBoy Color

Excited to be able to control my air-conditioner with a GameBoy Color, using my own ROM!(How I built it: )— JinGen Lim (@jg_lim) April 27, 2020 <p>J...

The Oral History of Mad Max: Fury Road

Director George Miller began working on an idea for a fourth Mad Max movie in 1998. It didn't hit theaters until 2015, for various reasons. By the time production started, Mel Gibson was too old to play Max, so...


<p>This genius <a href="" target="_blank">student</a> almost got away with his trick. Oh, if only he spelled "reconnecting" right...

How to Wash 'Dry-Clean Only' Clothes at Home

Mitch Hedberg famously said, "This shirt is dry clean only. Which means... it's dirty." Certainly a relatable joke, with the expense and time involved in taking clothing to a dry cleaner. But sometimes you can clean garm...

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