Using a technique called “lucky imaging” — a technique used to record hundreds or thousands of images over a short span of time (similar to a camera’s burst mode) in order to capture high-resolution images of astronomical objects (and has nothing to do with luck, by the way) — researchers were able to reconstruct this magnificent image of Jupiter.
This one, showing the entire [planet] in infrared light, was compiled from a mosaic of nine separate pointings on 29 May 2019.
From a lucky imaging set of 38 exposures taken at each pointing, the research team selected the sharpest 10%, combining them to image one ninth of Jupiter's disk. Stacks of exposures at the nine pointings were then combined to make one clear, global view of the planet.
(Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory/ Noirlab/ NSF/ Aura M. H. Wong (UC Berkeley) and Team Acknowledgements: Mahdi Zamani)