Archive for April 20th, 2020

Prolonged Isolation Can Lead to the Creation of New Accents

People who speak the same language often do it in a very different way, depending on where they are. British English is different from Australian English or American English, but if an American were to watch a lot of Bri...

This Woman Just Made A Tiny Museum For Her Gecko

  GECKO MUSEUM! GECKO MUSEUM! The Mayor liked it so much he couldn’t help crossing the velvet rope— jill (@jillisyoung) April 7, 2020 Inspired by a post on Twitter about a t...

How To Make Final Fantasy VII’s Buster-Sword From Cardboard

<p>With the recent release of the Final Fantasy VII remake, there could be no better time recreating the Buster Sword, which is wielded in the game by Cloud, the game’s protagonist.</p><p>...

Check Out This Funny-Looking Bird

<p>This is the Potoo, a bird found in Central and South America. The most striking feature about this bird is its eyes, and I know that that’s the first thing you looked at when you saw the picture ab...

Daughter Finds WWII- Era Grenade While Cleaning Out Dad's Garage

<p>You never know what treasures or dangers lurk when when you go to clean out the garage. This is especially true when we are asked to clean out someone else's garage. </p><blockquote>A woman...

Woman Saves Cracked Egg, Hatches Duck

Betsy Ross' family visited some duck nests in their local park. Unfortunately, someone had vandalized them. But amongst the wreckage was one egg that was intact except for one small crack.“My kids were very upset a...

You Shall Know a Cartoonist by His Enemies

<p>Chris Grady, the <a href="" target="_blank">Lunarbaboon</a>, has succeeded as a webcomic artist. If you can devel...

The Creepiest Objects in Museums

STEP ASIDE ALL.These are hand-made models of figures playing cards and of gold miners hauling gold nuggets to the surface. BUT the figures are made from crab’s legs and claws… Typical Victorians, they lo...

The Ways People Make Their Homes Feel Safe

The place you most want to feel safe is in your home. The actual odds of accidents, invaders, ghosts, and other bad luck often have little to do with our sense of security. It's easier to relax when you're convinced you'...

Cow Painted to Look Like Tiger for Tiger King Photo Shoot

<p>Joe Exotic was detained and unable to attend such an important photo shoot. Nor was a tiger available. So Wisconsin farmers Kyle Harris and Jeff Kast painted a cow with the stripes and colors of a feroci...

How the Game-Changing George Foreman Grill Made History

Embed from Getty ImagesWe are used to seeing informercials on TV where a former celebrity endorses some product or another. The George Foreman Grill was an outlier in that group, as George Foreman was not exactly a has...

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