Archive for March 19th, 2020

Scientists: Female Narwhals Are Attracted to Males with the Biggest Tusks

<p>The motion of the ocean can carry you only so far. In the deep blue sea, female narwhals are on the prowl for males with the biggest tusks. Zackary Graham, a researcher at Arizona State University, and h...

5 People Who Were Amazingly Productive In Quarantine

Communicable diseases have been forcing people into isolation throughout history. When the plague or Spanish flu runs rampant, you don't have to be sick to want to separate yourself from every one else. If you are stuck...

Creeper Lamp? Awww, Man!

<p>The “creeper” is one of the many enemies that spawn in the Minecraft world. The green creature is very sneaky, and a player might not notice its presence while playing the game, as the creepe...

Herd Immunity And The Coronavirus

<p>Because the coronavirus has no known cure as of the moment, countries think of ways to battle the dreaded virus. There are countries that have declared lockdowns in certain areas of their territories (if...

How To Keep Focused When Working At Home

<p>Due to the continuing spread of the coronavirus across the globe, many companies have now asked their employees to work from home instead of showing up physically at the office. We know, however, that wo...

How The Oldest Modern Bird Looks Like

<p>Paleontologists have now found the oldest modern bird skull ever, and if this tidbit does not yet excite you, perhaps what you will learn about this bird will. Since this bird predates the split between...

A Toy Today, A Pollutant Tomorrow

<p>Most toys for kids nowadays are made out of plastic. And since we already know the many negative effects of plastic in the environment, the animals (and even ourselves, too), we know that this already is...

All the New Things We Learned From Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's Home Release

On the off chance that you don't have enough interest in watching The Rise of Skywalker again soon enough to pay for it, but you'd be interested in the extras available on the home release, io9 has you covered....

The French Are Hoarding Bread

While US and Australia hoard toilet paper, the French are hoarding something a little more edible. They are stockpiling bread. Apparently access to fresh baguettes is so important to the French people, bakeries have been...

Japanese Mom Makes Amazing Egg Art

Instagram user Etoni Mama is a master of kyaraben--the Japanese art of character-shaped foods. Her whole feed is fascinating, but I'm especially impressed by her creative use of eggs. Whether they're fried sunny side up,...

Fossil Reveals 'Wonderchicken,' the Earliest Known Modern Bird

A new fossil has been identified and named Asteriornis maastrichtensis, but it's becoming known as the "wonderchicken." More than 66 million years old, it appears to be the oldest "crown" bird yet found, the one...

Mattsurelee's Quarantine Graphs

View this post on Instagram If this is well-liked I could see a Part II in the future.A post shared by Matt Shirley (@mattsurelee) on Mar 17, 2020 at 1:12pm PDT Matt Shirley makes graphs all the time, which you...

Artists Are Streaming Concerts To Ease The Boredom Of Isolation

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Musicians such as Coldplay, Yungblud, and Keith Urban are live-streaming performances to help ease people’s...

The Whole Neighborhood Is Singing!

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">There are a lot of ways to combat loneliness and boredom while people are on lockdown, and are forced to stay insi...

Almost 20M People Are Currently Using Steam

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Steam has broken its own record of players using the platform. A peak count of 19,728,027 people are using the ser...

Disney Princesses As Career Women

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">North Carolina-based graphic designer, illustrator, and web designer Matthew Burt reimagined Disney princesses as...

Old Soaps

Matthew Brooks is a collector of old soap. He also manages the creation of new toiletry products, but his penchant for vintage soaps started when he was very young. A tour of an old Victorian home showed him how the scen...

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