All of us want our pizza fresh and newly cooked. But amidst the coronavirus outbreak, it seems that we have a new criteria for our pizza (or at least, the Japanese people have this criteria): we want it clean, and free of the virus.
With the concern of possible transmission of the virus to the pizza, the Japanese branches of Pizza Hut decided to create this new option for their delivery service: Oki Pizza, which comes from the Japanese word “oku”, which means “to put” or “to place.”
The Oki Pizza aims to minimize any possible physical contact or breathing on each other between customer and delivery person by having the deliveryperson place your order on the ground and back away before you open the door to pick it up.
The delivery service option is only available on pre-paying, however, which means that you have to pay online to avail of the extra clean service.
When Pizza Hut offered this service on March 12, the guys at SoraNews24 immediately availed of the service. Find out how their experience was over at the site.
Well, what do you think?
(Image Credit: SoraNews24)
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