It’s hard to go around our daily routine without being conscious of how we act or what we look like. Some social interactions are difficult because we tend to think about what the other person thinks about rather than thinking about how to continue the actual interaction. It’s a torturous habit that diminishes our self-esteem and just makes us stiff and unapproachable. However, to actually stop caring what other people think is easier said than done. Popsugar shares six steps on how we can slowly and fully stop caring at all.
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Comments (6)
You know who's really good at not caring about what other people think? Psychopaths. It seems to me that if you genuinely cultivate a habit of disregarding other people's opinions about your thoughts and actions, then you're just giving yourself a pathway to internally justify all of your behavior, even when you're being an asshole.
That said, the recommendations at this link don't generally seem to be about how to stop caring what other people think. They seem to be more focused on countering a habit of crippling worry about uncertain reactions. But those are two totally different things.
Controlling your anxiety should help you to interact more freely with people. On the other hand, if you take no interest in the outcome of those reactions, I can't understand why you would even want to pursue them at all.