BMW has revealed its new logo, updating it for the first time in two decades. The company has deviated from the heavily outlined to a more transparent logo, and some people found that change weird. The new logo doesn’t really look that bad, but if spray painted on specific colors, it might not be legible, as Jalopnik detailed:
While I don’t think it necessarily looks bad, legibility does suffer, and it all feels a bit busier than it needs to be. Even if BMW is walking back its use on actual, physical badges, I’m still not convinced it’s the solution the company needs. Having one logo for “brand communication” and another for badges feels like somebody just didn’t get the basic logo right.
OK, so back to designing. I think the flatness works, but the transparent, bordered ring and lettering doesn’t, especially without the unifying black ring. Luckily, the solution is simple and obvious: Lose the letters.
image via Jalopnik