Archive for January 21st, 2020

An Honest Trailer for Joker

Joker is a comic book movie that is nominated for eleven Oscars. If you haven't seen it, that might be confusing, but Screen Junkies clears it up with this Honest Trailer. Or maybe not, but it is intriguing. Wha...

Here’s What You Can Do During Your Day Off

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Having a day off work is one of the ways you can sit back and relax away from the stress of your job. It may be a...

Charge Your Phones With These Minimalistic Charging Ports

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">On the Surface is a project by Seoul-based Studio PESI. The project features a series of wireless charger solution...

Can We Get Better At Using Google Search?

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">We use Google a lot of times for searching even the most mundane things. From your assignment to finding Shrek&rsq...

100 Dungeons & Dragons Insults

<blockquote>"Have you heard of the River of Blood? Apparently bathing in it makes you lose all of your memories. Do you know where it is? Because this encounter wants me want to take a dip."</b...

It’s Rude To Bring Your Coffee To A Funeral

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">When you’re invited to attend a funeral, it’s highly recommended that you don’t post it on socia...

Home Alone: Island Edition

Beware of wonderful family vacations and the desires they can inspire. A 12-year-old Australian boy had run away from home several times in his quest to return to Bali, where his family had spent some presumably enjoyabl...

Can Data Guess Your Name?

Nathan Yau made an interactive tool that will guess your name. You enter your sex and decade of birth, and then type the first letter. Not only will the tool guess your name, but you also get a percentage of its confiden...

1970s Comic Book Shows Ronald McDonald Recruiting Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

From Flashbak comes a fascinating promotional comic dating back to sometime in the 1970s (WorldCat gives a publication date of 1960, but WorldCat is not always accurate with bibliographic data).The comic, which was excav...

Mourning a Dead Houseplant

A houseplant is supposed to be simple, a little bit of nature brought inside. Some people get attached to their plants, because they are living things that one takes care of. But when a plant dies, it's a sad occasion th...

Did Any Medieval Knight Ever Actually Rescue a Damsel in Distress?

The brave hero saving a virtuous woman from an evil villain has forever been a classic story, from ancient mythology to modern Hollywood movies. It sets up the woman as both victim and prize, weak but on a pedestal. The...

Futuristic Vehicle Designs That We Might Drive On The Moon

Colonization of the Moon and other planets has been a trend not just in science fiction, but also in scientific research. Living on places other than Earth truly is a fascinating idea. In order to dwell in extraterr...

The Expanding Crab Nebula

<p>In the year 1054, astronomers witnessed a violent birth of a celestial object — the Crab Nebula. Cataloged as M1, which is the first on Charles Messier’s famous list of things that are not co...

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