Sha Wellness Clinic is an elite holistic health center and spa located in Spain. Allure’s Jessica Cha shares her visit inside the world-renowned spa, experiencing private sessions, nutritional consultations, and other wellness packages. Cha tells of her experience of Sha Wellness Clinic’s Discovery program, which allows people to indulge in Sha’s offerings over the course of a few days:
The next few days are a cornucopia of hourly appointments: a private yoga session, a general health exam, a nutritional consultation, a neurocognitive assessment consultation, an acupuncture session, a deep-tissue massage, a "therapeutic recipes" cooking class. It's Utopia for the wellness set. Every single aspect of your holistic health is measured and considered both quantitatively and qualitatively by medical experts, and then you're prescribed a proper course of action to optimize that facet of your well-being. Though they offer anti-tobacco, weight control, and stress management programs,
image via shawellness (Instagram)