The year is not over yet and there is more to come before we bid 2019 a final farewell. An annual solar eclipse is expected to occur “at 3.43am Universal Time on December 26, 2019. If you're in Southeast Asia, that'll be between 11am to 1pm local time Christmas Day.”
There's a reason why this particular phenomenon is also called the "ring of fire" and sometimes, "ring of light". That's because watching the 3 minute 40 second eclipse without any protection for the eyes can lead to total blindness.
While it's not expected to be impressive since the New Moon is further away from the sun and will only be blocking the center of the sun's disk - about 97 percent of the sun, experts say the spectacle would still be beautiful to look at.
Don’t worry if you miss out on this one, there’s another eclipse expected to take place on June 21, 2020, and it may even be a rarer spectacle than this one.
Head over to Mashable for the full article.
Photo: Jongsun Lee / Unsplash