Scientists at Swiss university ETH Zurich have found a way to make chocolate shimmer, without the artificial colorants. The stunning incandescence is achieved through a surface imprint that disperses light to display an array of hues, similar to a chameleon’s skin. Instead of a coating, the researchers tried to do an impression on the surface, which allows a colorful shimmer to appear. Researchers plan to refine the chocolate shimmer to a glow. has the details:
Thanks to experts from the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, who developed a mould that makes it possible to imprint more than one chocolate at a time, this unique method can be scaled up for industry.
The scientists are in discussions with major chocolate producers, according to ETH; they even plan to establish a spin-off company. A patent for the process has also been filed.
“The project was only successful because different disciplines worked together,” the university said in a press release. “Fresh ideas prevented the project from stalling at crucial moments.”
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