A Kickstarter campaign is crowdsourcing funds for their ‘intelligent’ indoor dog toilet known as “INUBOX: The First Fully Automated Dog Toilet.”
Clean, smart, heavy-duty & modern design. INUBOX captures, processes & contains liquid and solid dog waste in a hygienic way. After each use, it releases a treat for your dog’s training. Our patented process prevents bad odors & delivers an eco-friendly sealed bag for disposal. INUBOX is THE next step for your smart home.
The INUBOX comes with several unique features including a fragrance dispenser, multiple senors (weight, ultra sound, and thermal), touch screen, anti-scratch powder coating, and an automatic system for clean and efficient waste removal.
What do you think about this project?
Check out their story here. You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
(Image credit: Inubox via Kickstarter)