David Keller of Prescott Valley, Arizona thinks that it's too easy to call a pet a "service animal" and take it everywhere. It's a system that can be abused, leading to people bringing bags of snakes into public libraries.
To prove his point, he went to a website that registers service animals and created a registration for a beehive as a service animal. AZ Family reports:
A quick web search turns up many service animal registration sites. But Keller's stunt showed that some of them do very little to verify the animals they're registering. "They're very silly. They don't mean anything," said Jaymie Cardin, who trains service dogs at AZ Dog Sports in Scottsdale. "You can go pay for a registry on one of those web sites, and basically, you're just paying for a piece of paper and to put a name on a list."
Cardin says these sites do highlight a real problem -- people trying to pass off pets as legitimate service animals. "Training is how you tell whether it's a service animal or not," Cardin said.
-via Dave Barry | Image: AZ Family