Archive for December 9th, 2019

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Just what it says on the tin. The greatest movie quotes are those that people know and use over and over. You can see from this supercut that Inigo Montoya's prepared speech from The Princess Bride can be used f...

A Playable 6-Sided Record Record

<p>Musician Dimitri Manos offers this unique object: a record with six playable . . . well, <em>sides</em> isn't quite the right word.</p><p>Each side of the two-sided record has thr...

Snakes With Legs and Legless Lizards

There was a fossil skull discovery that was recently determined to be a prehistoric snake with legs. While a snake with legs is impressive, even more impressive is how anyone could tell that from just a skull. But the fi...

How A Bee Sees The World

Have you ever wondered how animals view the world? A new software intends to make the perspective of bees easier to picture for us humans. While the images produced by this software are not an exact replica of what other...

The Best Gifts For Your Pet This Holiday Season

<p>Did you know that for this year alone, Americans have spent $72.56 billion on their pets? That just goes to show how much we love our pets, and I believe there is nothing weird in giving them something t...

Building a Jet-Powered Landspeeder

<p>British tinkerer Colin Furze builds amazing things and screams (which is why I usually watch his videos muted). In the past, he has made a <a href="

A Morphing Gel

<p>This is a gel that goes hard when exposed to heat, and softens again when cooled. This gel, produced by Japanese researchers, could suggest the potential to create new and unique protective clothing.<...

An Antidote to Dissatisfaction

Your parents and grandparents tried to tell you how to be happy, but those proverbial nuggets of wisdom sounded much too simple to you, so you didn't listen. But science stepped in to observe and measure the effects of c...

16-Foot Enterprise Is the Centerpiece of This Man's Christmas Lights

<p>"You can't have Christmas without Star Trek, right?"</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"...

When Your Sperm Carries Another Man's DNA

<p>Chris Long of Reno, Nevada received a bone marrow transplant. Four years later, his colleagues at the Sheriff's Office tested his DNA to find out of the transplant had affected his DNA. If a transplant c...

Why Do Gluten-Free Products Exist?

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">To go gluten-free or not to go gluten-free, that is the question… on the minds of many Americans today who are avo...

7 Ways to Make Your Macro Shots Look Even Better

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">How do you make close-up shots of tiny things look larger-than-life? You’ll be amazed to find that macro photograph...

What Makes An Organism Eradicable?

In October of this year, when the World Health Organization declared that polio’s type 3 strain had been eradicated, the world was able to have a sigh of relief, as it became a slightly better place. Both the type...

Firelogs That Smell Like Chicken

Cinnamon, hot cocoa, and nutmeg. Those are some of the usual scents you can smell in houses during the holiday season. Enter the smell of fried chicken.Okay, so maybe it’s not the most traditional of festive, winte...

Londoners trying to guess very odd and old English words

<p>English is an age old language with some very odd words that are rarely used today. Do you think Londoners will know what words like "tittynope" mean?</p>...

Can’t Seem to Stop Checking Your Phone? Try These Useful Tips

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Psychologist&nbsp;Dr. Logan Jones says that while social media ‘detoxes’ can be helpful in some cases, it...

Cats Hate This Guy!

This Christmas season, we could all use some practical tips to minimize stress in our homes. Cat owners know how difficult it is to keep a cat off a Christmas tree. And thanks to the Internet, life-changing remedies to m...

“Hello!” “Nĭ hăo” “¡Hola!” - Top Apps for Translation on iPhone and Android

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Lost in translation? It’s always useful to have a reliable translation app on-hand, especially for travelers in a f...

Excel Keyboard Hacks You Probably Didn’t Know Existed

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Who says you can’t have fun while working? With the help of these </span><a href="https://lifehacker....

Customize Your Own Emoji for Free with This Neat Website!

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">What’s a fun way to make your online chat conversations more interesting? Here’s one: create your own persona...

Quick Tips on How to Tell Whether a Photo is Good or Bad

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">"Good photos come from experience; experience comes from bad photos," says Nigel Danson, a landscape photograph...

NASA Features Photo of Lightning Strike Underneath the Milky Way

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">“Electric Night” photographed by Ivan Pedretti was featured on </span><a href="https://apod.nas...

Google Assistant Brings Frozen Characters to Life with Bedtime Story Voice Feature

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Kids love </span><em style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Frozen</em>&...

The Best-Selling Single of Every Decade

I am a music historian, and with @AdrianRMG I have researched the best-selling single of every decade all the way back to 14,000BC. Here's a thread:2010s - Ed Sheeran, The Shape of You

Who Invented the Emoticon and Emoji?

Emoticons and emoji are used to bring nuance to short text passages that might be misunderstood otherwise. Of course, some folks use it for decoration, emphasis, and humor, but that wasn't the original idea. Written lang...

Electric Eel Brightens Christmas

Every time an eel farts, a Christmas tree grows brighter. Well, not exactly. The sound is generated from the setup at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. Any time the aquarium's star electric eel Miguel Wattson produc...

Magical Dancing Unicorn Clears Snow in New York

Meghan Hughes used her powers to transform into a unicorn. Then she brought the warmth of her love to her neighbors by clearing snow in her neighborhood in Schenectady, New York. CBS 6 Albany reports:She says she's pleas...

$120,000 Banana Eaten

Artist Maurizio Cattelan duct-taped a banana to a wall at Art Basel Miami Beach and sold the artwork for a tidy sum. But that's just the beginning of the story. Next, performance artist David Datuna came along and ate th...

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