Archive for December 5th, 2019

Pachelbel on Train Horns

Pavel Jirásek has way too much time on his hands, and for that, I am thankful. This video gets really amazing around the two minute mark. It was edited from original footage by ACETrainsUK. -via Metafilter...

The Depths of the Sea

What creatures live in the depths of the sea? Manatees go about 6 meters into the depths of the water. Polar bears will dive down as far as 24 meters. A thick-billed murre, which is a bird, will search for food as deep a...

Smash Mouth's "All Star" Performed on Melons

<p>Toni Patanen--"Pupsi"--of Finland is a <a href="" target="_blank">professional ocarina maker</a>. His works are usually ceramic, but...

Reindeer Population Saved From Brink of Extinction

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Hooray for wildlife conservation! The Svalbard Reindeer, which populate the Norwegian archipelago, are thriving contrary...

Hors Piste

A mountain rescue team finds a skier who needs help. But this is the day that everything will go wrong. More so than you ever imagined, but you'll still laugh. The award-winning French short Hors Piste was direc...

Police Jokingly Give Field Sobriety Test to Donkey

<p>The perpetrator, a donkey in Waterford, Connecticut, was apprehended by police on Tuesday night. They joke <a href="

A Very Good Boy

George was a Jack Russell terrier who lived in Manaia, Taranaki, New Zealand. In 2007, a group of five children were walking home when they were attacked by two pit bulls. Nine-year-old George raced to defend the childre...

Government Agency Improvises When Its Stock Photo Account Goes Down

<p>The public health agency of Ottawa, Canada would like to remind you to get your monthly flu shot. I'm sure that the social media manager could find an appropriate photo in any stock photo collection. But...

Unusual Jawlines Linked to Centuries of Inbreeding

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">The Hapsburgs or House of Austria was a royal dynasty in Europe often associated with having a prominent jawline called &...

Art or knot art? This is the question.

<p>Artist Keith Williams shows his craftmanship wonders on leftover pieces of wood. </p>...

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