Archive for December 3rd, 2019

Inside the Abandoned Babylon That Saddam Hussein Built

The ancient city of Babylon, also called Babel, lies within modern-day Iraq. Once ruled by Hammurabi and later Nebuchadnezzar, the ruins of the great city are considered sacred by those who lived nearby in the village of...

An Honest Trailer for It Chapter Two

Since the sequel to It, It Chapter Two, is coming to home video next week, it's time for an Honest Trailer. The movie was profitable, but suffered from high expectations. It turns out that a scary clown...

The Most Common Surname in Every Country

The map above shows the most common surname, or family name, in each country of the world. It's labeled as "last name," although some language conventions put the family name first. The most common family name in the wor...

The Trick That Made Animation Realistic

Animation pioneer Max Fleischer brought many innovations to his craft. The technique that enabled artists to translate Cab Calloway's unique dance style to cartoon characters was only one of them. Vox explains the weird...

Baby Head Theremin

<p>Coming soon to a classical orchestra near you is the <a href=";ref=bl_dp_s_web_0" target="_blank">XPLC Theremin</a> Baby He...

RIP Lil Bub

Lil Bub sprang to internet stardom in 2011. She was the runt of a feral litter, with multiple genetic anomalies that meant she would only survive and thrive with the care of a dedicated human. Mike Bridavsky filled that...

Annoying Unwritten Rules Everybody Seems To Follow

So many people do the same nonsensical things over and over that you have to wonder if there is some rule somewhere. A rule that everyone follows but you, and that's why they are annoying. Or mostly annoying. The rule ag...

When Instagram Broke Us

<p>It has been seven years since Rebecca Jennings downloaded Instagram, downloading the photo and video-sharing app in 2012. She downloaded the app in the spring that year, and that spring would be followed...

Why Time Speeds Up And Slows Down

He tried a new game he just downloaded on his phone. He enjoyed playing it so much that he didn’t notice it was already late in the night. “I wanted to play more! Why is time so fast?” he complains.She...

What You Should Gift Your Friends or Family This Holiday Season

<p>It’s the holidays once again, and it’s the time of the year where we think about what we should gift to our friends and our family. “Should I give him another phone?”, “Shou...

The “Dead Sea of China” Is Eye Candy

<p>This is Northern China’s Salt Lake, the third largest sodium sulfate inland lake in the world. It is China’s most important historical sources of salt. Many wars have been fought over it, and...

The Story of the Game Operation

When you were a kid, it was always fun to play Operation, a game in which you fished parts out of a patient named Cavity Sam, and you had be precise or you'd complete an electric circuit and a buzzer would sound. It was...

The Rise of Vomit Art

You'd recognize what "vomit art" is, even if you've never heard those words together before. The term arose from social media quite recently to refer to a certain style of vintage kitsch. According to Urban Dictionary, i...

Moving Pictures 2019

As he has in years past, Clark Zhu has taken the biggest movies of the year and compiled them into an emotional three-minute video. Relive the memories of 2019, at least those memories made in a theater. You'll find a li...

It’s War: These Parents Fight Against Anti-Vaxxers on Facebook

For years, anti-vaxx activists have used Facebook and other social platforms to spread misinformation about the alleged “dangers” of vaccines. But they won’t have it smoothly now, as they are those who...

Got Milk?

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">An industrial dairy company in Victoria, Australia, has started selling glass milk bottles, with some predicting a return...

PJ McQuade's Christmas Collection 2019

Have you ordered your Christmas cards yet? If you've been waiting to see what artist PJ McQuade has new this year, you're in for a treat. New pop culture Christmas cards include the cast of Dune, The Neverending Stor...

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