Looking for an alternative to the regular paper? Stone paper might be the alternative you’re looking for! The paper is made up of smushed-up rocks, and is waterproof, durable, and more environmentally friendly. The creation of stone papers involves little to no bleach and water, as cnet.com details:
Rock dust may not sound like an ideal ingredient for paper, but it works. Karst's paper is made of about 80% calcium carbonate, the main ingredient in limestone and marble. A Taiwanese supplier, Taiwan Lung Meng Advanced Composite Materials, pulverizes the rock left from construction and quarries, fuses it with plastic that holds it together, then compresses it with massive rollers until it's paper-thin.
The paper itself feels a bit smoother than conventional paper since it's made of tiny particles and not a rougher matting of plant fibers. But it's also tackier, like latex, and I experienced more drag as pen tips slid over the surface.
The presence of the plastic is also noticeable when you tear the paper: It stretches first.
But because the paper is waterproof, the wet ink of fountain pens and felt-tip pens is a problem.
image credit: via Karst Stone Paper