Archive for November 22nd, 2019

Cells That Can “Taste” Danger

<p>University of Pennsylvania immunologist De’Broski Herbert could not believe what his eyes were seeing when he looked deep inside the lungs of mice infected with influenza. What he found there was a...

Bear on the Lookout for Koalas

This is Bear. He's a good dog. Bear was abandoned as a puppy due to OCD, which in dogs is usually a sign that they need a job to do. And so Bear was trained as an animal tracker -for a good purpose. And now he's going ou...

Bank Cat had a Hot Time

Let's turn back time, back to an era in which people used paper money for almost everything, offices and businesses had their own cats, and New York had several newspapers to fill twice every day. November 14, 1900, dawn...

Good Samaritan Helps Beaver Haul Huge Branch

[]The branch that the beaver needed for his dam was very long--too long, really, for him to haul alone.So 19-year old Alexander Oswald lend him a helping hand. Together, beaver...

Cuteness: What It Is And How It Affects Us

<p>You may have seen chubby-cheeked babies and wide-eyed puppies. How did you react to them? I could assume that you probably went, “Awwww! How cute!” But have you ever wondered why you felt tha...

The Codes That Turned The World Upside Down

<p>2009. It was the year when Facebook launched a piece of code that changed the world. It was the “like” button, the brainchild of Leah Pearlman, Justin Rosenstein, and several other programmer...

Programming Cells To Pull Themselves Together

<p>Scientists in the US were able to overcome a major obstacle in creating mini-organs. They were able to program cells to take on the desired shape instead of relying on 3D printing or external “scaf...

This Startup Is Sending Red Wine To Space

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Twelves bottles of wine are inside a Northrup Grumman resupply rocket, along with other essential supplies for the...

True Facts: Stinkhorns

Ze Frank's True Facts series normally focuses on animals, but this time he takes a left turn to a fungus, specifically the stinkhorn mushroom. Why? Because footage of stinkhorns and mushrooms in general give him the oppo...

Launderama : A Celebration Of London’s Launderettes

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(33, 33, 33);">London-based photographer Joshua Blackburn photographed every launderette in London. Launderama, the photo seri...

Underground Titan Missile Complex for Sale

If you've dreamed about living in an underground bunker, or else are seriously committed to surviving the apocalypse, here's a deal that can take digging out of the equation! A twelve-acre real estate listing in Catalina...

How Literature Can Pave The Way Towards Better Healthcare

Diana Toubassi is a family physician at Toronto Western Hospital, and she has been in practice for dozens of years. Every day seems to be a hectic and chaotic day in the hospital.“I was thirteen or fourteen patient...

Why Vietnamese Phones Don’t Sell

For the past three decades, Vietnam has been a country dependent on factory work and now it is moving up the value chain into electronics. Smartphone developer giant Samsung Electronics, for example, has invested $17.3 b...

Skeletons Wearing Skull Helmets

Archaeologists in Ecuador have excavated a burial site dating back to around 100 BC. The unearthed skeletons included the remains of two children, ages six months and 18 months at the time of death. Both had been fitted...

You Can Stay in This Hotel for $1 a Night, But Your Whole Stay Will Be Livestreamed on YouTube

<p>The owner says, "young people nowadays don't care much about the privacy."</p><p>He's counting on that to make money. The owner of the One Dollar Hotel in Fukuoka, Japan thinks that...

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