In ancient Japan the year was divided into 24 seasonal stages and 72 microseasons, each lasting a few days, with names like, "mist starts to linger," "wild geese fly north," "first lotus blossoms," and "deer shed antlers"
— Ferris Jabr (@ferrisjabr) November 14, 2019
Science writer Ferris Jabr talks about seasons. We in the temperate zones learn there are four: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. But tropical regions have only rainy and dry seasons. And polar regions have only light and dark seasons. Once you get past those simple calendars, different cultures mark the passing of seasons in many different ways. And even here in the US, people are very aware of microseasons, particularly mud season between winter and true spring.
— Ferris Jabr (@ferrisjabr) November 15, 2019
Read the discussion with contributions from all over the world at Twitter. You'll find more thoughts on the matter at Kottke.