I am a fan of recycling. After all, we only have one planet to live in (for now, at least) and need to take care of it for future generations. But there might be some misconceptions when it comes to recycling — myths that we might be believing. Take for example the belief that we can throw electronics into the recycling just like plastic, glass, and metals.
In the case of most electronics, that is completely untrue. Largely due to lithium ion batteries, the smartphones that end up in trash heaps thanks to poor recycling decisions often explode and catch on fire.
To be clear, these items can be recycled and reused, but they must go to a speciality facility that knows how to handle these materials, commonly known as "e-waste."
This is just one of the many myths in recycling that we might be subscribing to. Check out the others over at Popular Mechanics.
(Image Credit: Hans/ Pixabay)