Archive for October 24th, 2019

As Instagram Evolves, Some Influencers Get Tired And Quit

<p>It didn’t take long for Jessica Zollman to gather a large number of followers on Instagram. Zollman was the fifth employee and the 95th user of the app in 2011, which put her on the ground floor on...

Unfold This Iconic LEGO Pop-Up Book!

<p>The thought of making a LEGO model of Japan’s largest and most iconic castle, Himeji Castle, in itself is already remarkable enough. However, one man went beyond that when he made a <a href=&quo...

The Invented Chinese Names of the 2019 Canadian Election, Ranked

Monday was election day in Canada, and quite a few of the politicians who campaigned for office did so in multiple languages. This often includes rendering a name in Chinese characters for signs and literature. Journalis...

Man Collects His Fingernail Clippings for a Year to Make an Engagement Ring for His "Girlfriend"

<p>Lately, your <a href="" target="_blank">waifu</a> has been pestering you about your long-term future together. She...

Shocked Pepper

<p>The crafty Instagram user Sabine Timm does a lot of little gags <a href="" target="_blank">like this</a>. Fruits, toys, and other k...

Canadian Gothic

Shoji Ushiyama is a Japanese artist from Hong Kong who lived in the UK before moving to Toronto to study industrial design. He recently posted a long list of observations on his Canadian experience at Twitter. As an exp...

MIT’s New Model Predicts How A Non-Newtonian Fluid Behaves

<p><a href="" target="_blank">MIT engineers were able to develop how the cornstarch-water mixture, a non-Newtonian...

The 30 Most Haunted Places in America

The picture above is from the morgue of the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Why does a hotel have a morgue? It's a sort-of museum, because this haunted hotel has quite a history.Since its construction in 1886...

Did Elvis have a Secret Fetish for Vampires?

Embed from Getty ImagesElvis Presley had quite a few relationships with famous women in his life. Two of them may have had something to do with each other, or else it's just a coincidence that Elvis took a shine to two...

Special Rigs Let Kids with Cerebral Palsy Skateboard

<p>7-year old João Vicente of Brazil wanted to skateboard, but cerebral palsy left him completely unable to do so.</p><p>That's when the <a href="

A Unique Black Cat

That's one large black cat! But this is no ordinary house cat; it's a serval. A rare melanistic serval, with a recessive gene that makes him as black as any panther. British wildlife photographer George Turner was excite...

An Honest Trailer for Total Recall

In this Honest Trailer for the 1990 movie Total Recall, Screen Junkies indulges in some fanboy admiration for the Arnold Schwarzenegger flick, but they also notice how the movie owed a lot to previous movies, an...

Andrew Yang On How He’d Give Every American $1,000 Dollars

<p>Two undecided voters, namely, 48-year-old John Zeitler, an attorney from an insurance company, and 36-year-old Hetal Jani, who is running a nonprofit focused on education and mentorship, wanted to know m...

“Green Gold”: A Treasure That Brings Wealth and Blood

<p>San Juan Parangaricutiro, Mexico — in this town found in Michoacan state, the heartland of world production of the fruit which locals call “green gold,” small-scale avocado growers guar...

The Youngest Person To Ascend El Capitan

This is the nine-year-old girl Pearl Johnson. Over the course of four days and three nights in mid-September, she climbed the Triple Direct route on El Capitan, which earned her the title of the youngest person to ascend...

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