Scientists have discovered a milk which is four times more nutritious than cow’s milk, and they have been eyeing this milk to become the new superfood that could be the key to feed our ever-expanding population. However, you might this a bit shocking. It’s cockroach milk.
A team from the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in India has sequenced a protein crystal from the gut of Diploptera punctata (Pacific Beetle Cockroach), the only known cockroach to give birth to live young. To feed its offspring, the roach also produces a milk-like substance with protein crystals which have three times the energy of buffalo milk.
So are we to milk a cockroach now? Thankfully, that’s not necessarily the case.
Before you start imagining how you can milk a cockroach, the scientists have dismissed such an option and are instead sequencing the genes responsible for the production of milk protein crystals.
Whew! Thank God.
More details of this over at Big Think.
What are your thoughts on this one?
(Image Credit: Couleur/ Pixabay)