Quebec City was the place to be this past weekend, as the annual Quebec Comiccon welcomed comic book fans, cosplayers, and various fun-loving folks from all over. Our friends at Geeks Are Sexy were there to take it all in and take some pictures of the best cosplayers.
Check out a gallery of con pictures here, and part two here!
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And if it was way into the future...
the buildings wouldn't be there anymore.
Check out
@Hey, yeah and 9/11 was an inside job
http: //www. co2science. org/index. php
http: //www.globalwarminghoax. com/news. php
http: //scienceandpublicpolicy. org/monckton/goreerrors. html
any link to more pix, or the original source?
It's a cool looking and interesting pool inspired by the concept of global warming and I am glad we got a chance to see it.
-The Postal Service
Remember, back in the 1970s, there was a global temperature dip, and everybody was freaking out about the "next ice age".
Then we had to go and invent these damned cars and smokestacks in 1975, and now look, global warming all over the place.
i think its great to warn people what might happen if we arent carefull!
have a nice day. :)
& $aludo$ de$de E$paña.
I don't believe in global warming for a number of reasons, but I'm not here to debate.
I'm here to comment the damn swimming pool lol.
I'd like to see more of these, with different images. Its a really cool idea.
I work for the company, and as part of our "green" intiative they're encouraging us to turn off lights when not needed. I now pee in the dark, because someone turned the bathroom lights off and I can't find the switch to turn them back on.
I love the pool design its a nice idea, no imagination ayee? must be some boring life =)
love the picture, but I would so get sea sick swimming in that pool.
From Wikipedia:
"(snip) Ogilvy have also been involved with the notorious Asia Pulp & Paper, a large logging company that has been convicted of illegal logging in three countries, and has recently built roads illegally into the last remaining habitats of the critically endangered Sumatran Tiger, but spent large sums on global advertising campaigns claiming 'sustainability beyond compliance'[5]. Following breaches of local law in February 2008, a group of environmental organisations have called for all businesses to cease connections with the company. Staples and Office Depot have already cut ties, though Ogilvy are thought to still be involved with the company."
Hell ...soil puts plenty of carbon into the atmosphere....
The world is cooling and one day will warm again. Carbon is natural and the world needs it to survive.
This whole climate change hoax is going to be very costly. Its hard to say just how much harm has already been done.
OK. Now Ogilvy reads my dreams. Strange sensation.
Global warming and cooling DOES happen naturally, BUT the problem is the RATE at which it is happening. It doesn't give species populations the time to ADAPT. Thus they go extinct and the whole ecological biosphere goes into a tailspin. We can already see this with coral reefs as they are the most prone to temperature change. To put is simply: The coral microbes die -> the coral dies -> the fish die -> the ocean becomes a barren wasteland.
Human activity is accelerating this global climate change. The world as a whole WILL survive, but will it survive the way we want it to? Rich, diverse, and beautiful
Maybe it will drown all the Jews and they'll quit stealing all of our money. (Not really my opinion, but the be nice message prompted me to rebel)
Actually I guess it will be the inbred cannibalistic Eskimos that get get dicked over by climate change, oh no, what a horrible trade for me getting a nice beach in western Pennsylvania. (Actually is my opinion.)
More importantly than the slow changes that may or may not be taking place is our reaction. By "protecting the ozone" or whatever the fuck all of those hippies and al gore want to spend time on, we're really just sticking it to the undeveloped countries. Denying them of the crude first steps of energy production that we used before advancing to "greener" methods.
This is just an aside, but I think people who type in all caps are
mental patients.
Based on this thread, the pool *did* promote awareness!
Love Green.........Be veg......Hari Om Hari
its not over, and were not helping
thoguh it could be natrual
i tihnk not
- the greenhouse effect occurs all the time controlling the temperature of the earth. CO2 and O3 (amongst others) create a barrier that allows some radiation to be trapped and other radiation to leave... supposed to maintain a sort of homeostasis. If we didn't have the GE... we'd be like mercury... super hot in the day, super cold at night.
- Venus - a planet whose atmosphere is almost completely CO2 - much more so than ours. Amazingly hot, trapped radiation keeps the planet at a steady high temp.
- Homeostasis is a natural balance.
Why is it so hard to see that humans are creating an imbalance? We are pulling carbon from the earth to burn (only usually happens with volcanoes and such). We are disrupting homeostasis. Yes... there is a natural cycle, but CO2 is well above where it normally should be. Even if you don't "believe" (science is rooted in fact derived from experimentation - not opinion based) that global warming is happening... you shouldn't be wasteful.
This new cause also become a global movement because socialists live in every country. I'll add socialism in this new guise would never have risen worth a pile of Co2 beans unless appeasing, unprincipled businessmen and politicians fed it - just like businessmen pragmatically feed every sick movement for lack of their own integrity - Socialism, Nazism, communism, statism and now environmentalism.
The irrational cannot and does not stand on its own. It takes compromise from the good to live like environmental vampires from the blood of the productive.
Environmentalism is vile hatred of all things productive and living. It is hatred of man and his ability to live well.
I say, live free! Enjoy your plastics, rev your engines, enjoy your lights! Stomp your carbon footprint all over this planet! Refuse to accept empty guilt for being human!
I'm Ted Harlson and I fully approve this message.
A vast majority of scientists agree with the amazingly vast quantity of evidence pointing towards human contribution to global warming. I suppose you know better than them what the empirical evidence means??
Your apathy is disconcerting.
Politicians have a political agenda, not a factual agenda.
Global "warming" has been cooling for ten years now, yet "cap & trade" legislation is still being implemented - for controls.
The following site will explain in further detail. One very good note I'll add is scientists have decided to form their own Panel - a global scientific panel that is not in any way affiliated with politicians. This way, politicians cannot edit scientific truths after the fact to suit their agendas.
Most of the environmental scare has generated via 'computer models' that PREDICT environmental conditions. These models are easily manipulated.
Science, real science, however still depends on the proper methods of evidence and confirming analysis by other scientists.
Here is a small example of what scientists state when free of political manipulation,
"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate."
That is part of a petition of over 30,000 American scientists and about 10,000 with PHD's.
I've come to learn in my best searching, global temprature increases are due to increased sunspot activities, certainly not man who contributes a piddling .054% of carbon in the air. There has been no - zero - sunspot activity this June, so this summer has been a little cooler than last year. As soon as the suns' heat streams re-surface, and solar flares erupt, then we will see a continuation of global temprature inceases, - on Mars, other planets and here it will be time to hit the beaches.
Atmosperic carbon increases actually FOLLOW earths temprature increases. 95.5% of the carbon in the air is from volcano's, dead leaves, breathing, but mostly from the deep ocean's fluctuating temprature cycles measured in hundred of years.
Good luck folks in your search for the truth. It shouldn't be hard to find. The Great Global Warming Swindle is all over youtube and the internet. All that remains is for you to reason it out.
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
ugg classic cardy
I really liked and lol
And for the record I believe the term used is climate change not global warming because some myopic idiots love to take things literally and then argue against them in literal terms. And before the kooks start babbling about cows farting and dirt (damn, too late)... there are natural components to our plant's ecosystem and then there are those that are not natural. For example, radiation occurs naturally so therefore you should not give a damn about a nuclear melt down or nuclear weapons right? Oh, wait, you do worry about those? I wonder why. Yeah we're not affecting the planet or the environment at all. Nope. Like I said. Kooks. I'm not saying that the earth is going to blow up tomorrow but saying "we're not doing squat, it's all a myth" is beyond terrible, it's asinine.
And speaking of myths, idiots and taking things literally - is it a coincidence that many of the same people who rail against climate change as a myth are also members of some "god" fearing group or another? Wowza! XD
A song comes to mind - Joseph Smith was called a prophet - dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb... (Insert any faith's corporeal representative).