Archive for September 10th, 2019

Elite Fashion: Asymmetrical Jeans

<p>Do you want to wear skinny jeans or bell bottoms? Now you now longer have to choose. For a mere $462, you can own <a href="

The Beautifully Spectral Sculptures of Debra Bernier

Working in shells, driftwood, geodes, and other media, Debra Bernier finds within her source material images reminiscent of fairies, druids, mothers, and mysteries of nature. She reverently journeys into the depths of th...

Plan B: The Things We Fall Back on That Turn Out to be More Interesting Than We Expected

When we make plans of what we're going to do in the future and the goals we want to achieve, we always try to make room for unexpected occurrences to happen, which give us flexibility to go in a different direction when...

Daytime Naps May Be Linked to Lower Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke

<p>A new research, based on data collected from some 3,500 people living in Switzerland, was&nbsp;published Monday in the journal Heart. The research found new evidence that daytime naps may be related...

The Soldiers of The New Army Museum Look Too Real

This is the $400 million Army museum, which is set to open next year in Fort Belvoir, Virginia.Going inside this new National Museum of the U.S. Army, you’ll be transported to the fall of 1918, where experts will s...

Nanny Camera Etiquette: Should You Let Your Nanny Know?

<p>When it comes to taking care of one's child, a parent would want to make sure that their child is in good hands. Nowadays, there are a lot of households with both parents working or single working parent...

30 Cat Halloween Costumes to Dress Up Your Feline Friend

<p>Dressing up pets brings a whole new level of cuteness and hilarity to their usual selves and here, Pure Wow shares <a href="" target=&quo...

A Cyclist Who Almost Collided with a Crossing Pedestrian Headbutts Said Guy

<p>Driving on the road can be just as stressful as commuting, if not more so. Many accidents happen on the street because people become impatient and irritable, not wanting to give way to others. Sometimes,...

A New Way To Make a Human Liver Outside the Human Body Survive Longer

Livers on ice, which are destined for transplant, usually last for nine hours, and, if lucky, 12 hours. During this time, a lot of things should happen. First, the liver must be delivered from one hospital to another, wh...

So That His Wife Can Sleep, Husband Stands On Flight For 6 Hours

This guy stood up the whole 6 hours so his wife could sleep. Now THAT is love.— Courtney Lee Johnson (@courtneylj_) September 6, 2019 <p>An entrepreneur named Courtney Lee...

A Pair of Toddler “Besties” Goes Viral

<p>Now this is <a href="" target="_blank">something that will make your heart go “awww.”</a>&...

A Preview of the Wildlife Photographer of Year Exhibit

A hundred shortlisted entries in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition are being prepared for exhibit at the Natural History Museum in London. The museum gives us a preview of some of the more stunning images...

Just Monkeying Around: A Group of 16 Monkeys Descend upon a School Near Mt. Fuji

Barrel of brazen monkeys besiege school near Mt. Fuji— The Mainichi (Japan) (@themainichi) September 10, 2019 <p>It was a normal morning in Yoshiwara Kita Junior High School w...

This Is a Short Story Vending Machine at an Airport

<p>In the photo above, Twitter user <a href="" target="_blank">Mike Glenn holds a 5-minute short story</a> issued to him...

How Did This Happen?

When you need to unload a piano on the second floor, you do what you gotta do. But seriously, folks, this image posted at reddit brought out speculation that the truck crashed down from an unseen overpass, or even fell f...

Decoy Keyboard for Your Cat

Patent lawyer Jeff Steck keeps an eye on new patents. This one he spotted, issued on September 3, is quite intriguing. It's a decoy keyboard, with warmth, light, sound, and vibrations that are activated by the pressure o...

Artist Sketches Some of Atlanta's Most Ludicrous Intersections

<p>Atlanta is notorious for its aggravating traffic. As if that isn't enough, the Big A also has a number of mond-boggling intersections. Peter Gorman, a full-time map designer based in Hawaii, recently fin...

Taika Waititi and Sam Rockwell Tell Us Why Jojo Rabbit Is An Important Story To Tell

<p>If you haven’t watched the chaotic trailer of Jojo Rabbit, <a href="" target="_blank">watch it now</a>.</p><p>...

The Secrecy of Psycho

The 1960 film Psycho is a classic, but nearly 60 years later, we've become so familiar with the movie that we've forgotten how surprised the original audience was with the twist: the identity of the murderer. Th...

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