Lenny Maughan, an avid runner and prolific artist in San Francisco, is brilliant at turning his loops into designs. A combination of great physique and artistry!
“I sketched out the Vulcan salute—the hand gesture—on a paper map, in a sort of tribute, since Leonard Nimoy had recently died,” said Maughan. “The way Market Street offsets the streets on its side made the ‘V’ shape a good starting point. The rest of the hand easily came into shape. After seeing all this render [on Strava], I was happy—and hooked!”
Outside of his artistic endeavors, Maughan runs year-round and trains for marathons. He often logs miles with local club for base mileage, but when he is working on a new Strava design, he flies solo. Although he welcomes his friends to join him and simply follow him, he ends up doing it alone.
Since he runs so often, it’s not his fitness level that slows him down, but rather the intricacies of the design. Maughan is all for the shape and design of his strava artwork.
“I really don’t care about the miles. Or the elevation. Or the speed. That’s not the point. These aren’t races,” he said.
How do you envision your marathon route?
(Image Credit: Runners World)