It’s high time you occupy the hotels!
Blacksburg, Virginia — Virginia Tech this summer tried all kinds of dorm-maximizing tricks to fit in its largest class ever. Singles transformed into doubles, and doubles into triples. Lounges have become pop-up bedrooms for three and more.
And it shunted more than 500 students into a pair of hotels, including a Holiday Inn Express, here in the hills of Southwest Virginia.
Tishya Anand, 17, of Ashburn made the best of it as she unpacked gear in a makeshift triple at the Inn at Virginia Tech. It was move-in day, ahead of the start of classes Monday. Dealing with tight quarters, she figured, “shows your unity as a school.”
Her mother, Sridevi Anand, was less chipper. “Hotel? I was like, ‘I thought she would be in one of the dorms,’ ” she recalled. “This was a little scary, but it’s going to be okay.”
Virginia Tech’s problem, however, is a good problem. It is something envied by other universities who struggle to fill their seats with students.
But how did Virginia Tech get into this kind of mess? Find out on The Washington Post.
(Image Credit: Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post)
Too bad they don't have a water park to put them in!