Companies Move to Netherlands in Light of Brexit

The British Parliament has two months left before the deadline for a Brexit deal to be passed, starting the transition period for the UK to leave the European Union. At the moment, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is considering a no-deal Brexit.

In view of the potential losses that would be incurred from not having access to the European market, several companies have already transferred their operations and offices to the Netherlands.

Nearly 100 companies have relocated from Britain to the Netherlands or set up offices there to be within the European Union due to the United Kingdom’s planned departure from the bloc, a Dutch government agency said on Monday.
Another 325 companies worried about losing access to the European market are considering a move, the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency said.

(Image credit: Benjamin Davies/Unsplash)

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We can't consider domestic companies that only do business inside the UK. So the question is how many of the remaining multi-national companies have moved (or are considering the move).
There are 2,800 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. For simplicity's sake, let's consider them all multinationals who's worried about access to the European Market. If 100 companies have already moved, that's 4%. If another 325 are considering the move, then that's another 12%. Not the majority, but still a significant portion.
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Since there are 2,100 companies listed on the British stock exchange and about a thousand times that doing business, those numbers are a clear indication that business is generally not worried.
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