Competitive Pillow Fighting : The All Japan Pillow Fighting Championship

Who doesn’t love to throw pillows at friends or roommates during sleepovers or school trips? Japan takes the long-lasting tradition of pillow fights into a more competitive and serious form - the All Japan Pillow Fighting Championship.

The game is a mix between dodgeball and chess, as Reuters details: 

The game starts with all five players ‘sleeping’ under duvets on futons before the whistle goes and they leap to their feet and reach for a pillow.
The aim is to protect each team’s ‘King’ from being hit by pillows whilst trying to hit the opposition’s ‘King’ during two-minute sets. One player on each team can also use a duvet as a shield.

The championship attracts different people from different walks of life, regardless of age - single, married, athletes, and students alike. 

image credit: via wikimedia commons

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