Archive for August 17th, 2019

Minneapolis Bans Drive-Thru Windows

<p>Drive-thrus have made it easier for us to get our fast food on the go. It's just a simple three-step process and you don't have to get out of your car to do it. However, things are looking bleak for driv...

This Disney-Themed Wedding Had Every Guest Dress As A Disney Character

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Weddings are one of the momentous occasions in one’s life- some fight hard to get a chance to have a ceremony, some have it once, some have a few....

Wife Uploads and Remixes Her Husband's Snoring, Makes It Available on Spotify

<p>The appropriately named Twitter user <a href="" target="_blank">@DuckMischief</a> got into mischief by recording her husband <a href=&qu...

Why Did Married Couples Stop Sleeping in Twin Beds?

We are used to seeing married couples in old TV shows and movies sleeping in twin beds. You will be forgiven if you thought that was only because of the Hays Code and network censorship. Ricky and Lucy and Rob and Laura...

The Italian Unabomber and Other Strange Villains

We want those who commit violent crimes to be caught for reasons of justice, deterrence, and also to get answers behind the crimes. That was not to be in the case of the "Italian Unabomber," who crafted explosive devices...

This Insect Has a Backup Penis

<p>It's age-old wisdom: if you have anything that's really important, you should keep a spare, too.</p><p>Thus males among the <em>Labidura riparia</em> species prudently have two pe...

Chairs Made Specifically for People with Dwarfism

<p>Redditor bostoncommon902 says that his father, a woodworker, has been producing <a href="

Earth's Rotation Visualized in a Timelapse of the Milky Way Galaxy

We've seen plenty of time-lapse videos of stars moving across the sky. Aryeh Nirenberg took a different route and stabilized the stars, therefore showing how the earth moves relative to the sky. Images were recorded at 1...

Is Yogurt The New Remedy For Cold?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Medicine can be quite expensive, especially for not-so grave sicknesses that come to anyone. For colds, some people prefer to chuck it up to rest and ac...

Gravestone of the Real Snow White Discovered in Germany

It is thought that the Brothers Grimm based their story of Snow White on a real person, Maria Sophia von Erthal, born in 1725 in Lohr am Main, Bavaria. The young German aristocrat had a great life until her mother died a...

Squirrel Obstacle Course Grand Prix

Steve Barley is nuts about squirrels. He's been building obstacle courses for the squirrels in his backyard for years.Back in 2010 my son and I made the first obstacle course from old bric-a-brac and a washing line for t...

This Tokyo IT Company Will Pay You Monthly To Take Care of Your Own Cat

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">This company will compensate you - well, its employees for taking care of their own cat. Ferray Corporation, a Tokyo-based IT company has a </span>...

Here’s How We Can Thwart Facial Recognition

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">In an era where technology has evolved to heights it has never reached before, facial recognition systems are one of the technology’s newest and l...

This Japanese Restaurant Is So Private That Food Will Be Served Without Eye Contact At All

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">If you prefer to have the minimal amount of social interaction whenordering and eating your food at a restaurant, this Japanese restaurant might just su...

Astronomers Might Have Seen Another Black Hole Devouring a Neutron Star

<p>Trying to find events out in space is tedious because you wouldn't know if what you've found is the actual thing or if it's just noise. But on August 14, astronomers might have picked up <a href="...

No One Has Solved the Voynich Manuscript Yet

<p>Nobody knows what the Voynich Manuscript says or why it was written in the first place. It includes various illustrations of plants, animals, other symbols, and an as of yet unknown writing system. Many...

The Risks Involved in Giving Out Your Phone Number

<p>When we sign up for new accounts online, sites would usually ask us for our mobile numbers as a means of adding an extra layer of security such as with Google's two-factor authentication, a feature prese...

Trump Sets Sights on Buying Greenland

<p>According to reports, <a href="" target="_blank">Trump has expressed an interest...

The U.S Navy Wishes To Build World’s Largest Robot Warship

<p>The U.S Navy wants ten Large Unmanned Surface Vehicle (LUSV) ships in five years, and so they are calling on the industry to present ideas for its ships. The ships will be scouts for the main battle flee...

How Neurons Transform Raw Visual Input

<p>The world constantly bombards our senses with information, so how does our brain makes sense of these information? For example, what processes are there in our brain that enables us to identify the objec...

Quantum Teleportation Now In 3D

<p>All demonstrations of quantum teleportation so far have transferred the state of a qubit — a simple two-level system. This type of transfer is a far cry from teleporting particles in their complete...

Flavonoid-Rich Foods Protect Us From Cancer and Heart Disease, Study Says

<p>Eating or drinking flavonoid-rich items such as apples and tea protects us from cancer and deadly heart disease, according to new research from Edith Cowan University (ECU). From their research, they fou...

The Actress Who Left the Stage to Become a Civil War Spy

Pauline Cushman went to New York City to become an actress. After her husband died in the Civil War in 1862, she found work at Wood's Theater in Louisville, Kentucky. That's where she became a spy for the Union Army.As t...

The Tardigrades Arrive on the Moon: What Happens To Them Now?

<p>Tardigrades are micro-animals that live on every continent on Earth. Following the crash of a lunar lander carrying thousands of these water bears, some of them now are probably living on the Moon. The q...

Cat Jumps, Ruins Everything

You can almost see the gears in this cat's head doing the calculations necessary to jump to wherever he's going. Nowhere in there is any thought of what could go wrong, and certainly no idea of what eventually did go wro...

Pokemon Go Traffic Stop - Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Image Credit: Sgt. Kyle Smith/Washington State Patrol via AP via SnopesOn August 13th, Washington State Patrol Trooper Sgt. Kyle Smith pulled over to help a person who he thought had a disabled vehicle. Instead, he fou...

Why Do Pages of Books and Newspapers Turn Yellow Over Time?

You can tell whether a book or a newspaper is new from its color, as they all tend to turn a bit yellow over time. The reason why this happens involves both history and the chemistry of paper. Simon Whistler of Today I F...

Tattoos as Health Sensors

Tattoos are personal and often meaningful, but a new concept might make them infinitely useful to a lot of people. If you were a diabetic, wouldn't you rather get a tattoo once than to prick your finger to test your bloo...

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