What Is “Micro-Cheating”?

There is a worrying dating trend that you need to know about. Aside from actually cheating on you, experts at a dating website called Eharmony state that your partner can now also micro-cheat on you. But what is micro-cheating?

The dating website defines 'micro-cheating' as "a term which encompasses smaller, albeit questionable acts" from a partner, such as liking the social media posts of someone else you're attracted to or sliding into their DMs.
Unsurprisingly, according to eharmony's research, it's tech-savvy millennials that feel most strongly about their partner doing these things.
Dating expert Rachael Lloyd explained how micro-cheating can really damage a relationship.
She said: "Advances in technology and the multitude of available platforms means that people often feel there is endless choice. This choice can sometimes lead people to make toxic decisions.
"It might start with a bit of flirting online, and build towards full-blown emotional affairs in the digital environment. The fallout from these situations can be as devastating as a physical affair."

What are your thoughts on this one?

(Image Credit: sasint/ Pixabay)

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I can't help but think of Jimmy Carter's Playboy interview where he said: “I’ve looked on a lot of women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.”
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