Odd Features Found in Real Homes

Venessa Van Winkle is a real estate agent who has encountered many weird home designs, both in her listings and shared by fellow real estate agents. She posted 25 pictures of those crazy designs at Facebook. The winner by a landslide is the bathtub above with quick access to a broken neck. If you wanted to be safer, I guess you could put the bathtub in the kitchen.

That harks back to the old days when Mom brought the #2 washtub into the kitchen so she could heat water on the stove for the kids' Saturday night bath. There's lots more weirdness where that came from. Some of the rooms are just ugly, but many will make you wonder what they were thinking. You can see them all in a ranked gallery at Bored Panda.

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I went and looked at a (very cheap) house that was for sale once, that had a bathtub in the downstairs hallway. Like, where you'd expect a closet to be there was a tub with sliding bathtub doors. Was so, so weird, and I laughed for about a minute straight. That house was all kinds of awful, but I'll never forget that tub. At least the one in the photo above at the top of the stairs looks nice and clean.
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