Reduce You and Your Family Into 8 Bit Family Signs

Whether your family loves video games or not, I’m sure you’ll love to turn your whole family into cute 8-bit images. These custom-made family signs were created by Mozug Woodworking.

Each sign is laser-cut from baltic birch plywood, and features your family name prominently in a chunky, pixelated 8-bit font. Above that, you’ll get pixel people representing each of the members of your family. They feature a decorative zig-zag border in contrasting stain, with built in hanging holes at the top.
They’re available in two sizes – about 100 square inches or 200 square inches – the outside dimensions vary depending on the number of letters in your family name and the number of family members. Prices range from $54 to $80, and you can order yours on Etsy. They also make matching coasters and fridge magnets, which can be engraved with the names of family members.

What are your thoughts on this one? Would you buy one for your family?

(Image Credit: Mozug Woodworking/ Technabob)

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