Archive for July 29th, 2019

Sony Crowdfunds A Wearable Air Conditioner

<p>Sony might have a solution for us as we try to cope up with the scorching heat outdoors. With its First Flight program, <a href="

The Same Things That Draw People Together Are The Same Things That Break Them Apart

<p><a href="" target="_blank">Physical attractiveness, personality s...

How Quentin Tarantino Steals from Other Movies

<p>Would it be more polite to say that Tarantino is inspired by other films or that he makes homages to other films and film movements within his own movies?</p><p>Maybe, but even Tarantino hims...

In Order For Bees to Resist Deadly Mites, Breeders Strengthen Them

<p>A parasitic mite called the Varroa destructor has been wreaking havoc on bee colonies worldwide. Many bees die because of this mite. Fortunately, there are chemicals and methods designed to contain paras...

Reduce You and Your Family Into 8 Bit Family Signs

<p>Whether your family loves video games or not, I’m sure you’ll love to <a href="" target="_blank">t...

Positive Attitudes on Aging May Cause Better Health

<p>Some people don’t like to be called old. In fact, some people even deny that they are old, and they feel bad about when they get treated as old people. But this negative impression about aging not...

Compound Found in Red Wine May Help In Treating Depression and Anxiety

<p>According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, depression affects 16 million people while anxiety disorders affect 40 million people. These numbers, which I believe are already overwhelm...

Portable Technology Allows Farmers To Identify Plant Diseases Easily

<p>North Carolina State University researchers have created a portable technology that lets farmers identify plant diseases in the field. The device is plugged into a smartphone and works by sampling the ai...

The Surprisingly Badass Life of Adolphe Sax

If you know anything about Adolphe Sax, you know that he invented the saxophone. But while he was a talented and innovative instrument developer, the rest of the Sax's life was quite extraordinary as well. Taken as a who...

Letters of the Damned: Exorcising the Curse of the Petrified Forest

It is illegal to take anything from a national park, even a small rock. That's because in centuries past, tourists would ruin natural wonders and monuments by taking a piece home as a souvenir. But maybe nature has somet...

The Quest To Make The World's Most Perfect Brownies

Brownies are like pizza- even those that rank relatively low are pretty good. But if you could learn to make better brownies, you would surely jump at the chance, wouldn't you? The staff at Delish went all out t...

An Extraordinary Road Trip

John Burroughs, Harvey Firestone, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison went on several road trips together in the early 20th century. While they were friends, the trips were not "just" friends going on an outing. Vox takes a lo...

The Mystery Skeletons of Oyster Paddy's Tavern

Oyster Paddy's Tavern was a Pittsburgh landmark for a short time, notorious for its sketchy clientele. Opened sometime around 1875, the bar thrived until liquor licenses were required, which owner Hugh O'Donnell (also kn...

This Is a Kindergarten

<p>This colorful building must appeal to the whimsy of its regular users, which consists of kindergarten students. This school in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam has windows that, all appearances to the contrary,...

You’ve Heard of Second-Hand Smoking, But Have You Heard of Second-Hand Drinking?

<p>Second-hand smoking happens when a person inhales smoke from someone else’s cigarette. This has many negative effects on a person’s health. Second-hand smoking is not the only thing rampant o...

AI Now Used To Spot Text Written by AI

<p>AI has become advanced over the years. AI algorithms can now make texts that can fool people, which can potentially provide a way to mass-produce fake news, bogus reviews, and even fake social accounts....

Rabies Virus Ribonucleoprotein Structure Decoded

<p>Several days ago, researchers were able to map influenza A virus's genome. And a few days later, another team of researchers from the Institute of Virology at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vie...

What You Need to Know About the Manson Family Murders

Embed from Getty ImagesThe year 1969 was pretty momentous, giving us Apollo 11, Woodstock, Chappaquiddick, Stonewall, and the Manson Family murders, the last of which features prominently in the new Quentin Tarantino m...

Why Mint Makes Your Mouth Feel Cool

<p>Mint, similar to chili peppers, is a biochemical success story. Their wonders lie in the special molecules that they produce — capsaicin in chili peppers, and menthol in mint. Scientists hypothesiz...

The Miyawaki Method: To Plant Trees Where No Trees Have Been Planted Before

<p>We need the trees. They need us. But we're quickly losing them. And though we might be able to salvage some of our forests if we double or even triple the efforts to repopulate them, it might already be...

Towards The Quantum Internet

<p>So far, the fastest internet speeds rely on fiber optics to send and receive data. But with an ever-growing amount of data and a scope that goes far beyond what we have ever dealt with before, future com...

The Rotating Solariums of Dr. Jean Staidman

<p>A century ago, it was conventional and accepted medical wisdom that good health required long exposure of the skin to natural sunlight as a means of producing vitamin D in the human body. This lead to th...

Don't Make Mom Angry

In a new stop-motion animation by omozoc (previously at Neatorama), a young woman make too much noise late at night, and her mother gets revenge by targeting the daughter's prize possessions. Don't let the fact that the...

9 Bite-Sized Facts About Shark Week

Americans have turned a television promotion into an institution, a tradition, and almost a holiday. Yes, it's Shark Week once again on the Discovery Channel, back for its 31st edition. If you haven't been keeping up all...

The Literary Tattoos of the NYPL Staff

To celebrate National Tattoo Day, which was on July 17, the New York Public Library posted a gallery of literary tattoos found among their staff members. Some have books inked on their skin, and one has a card catalog dr...

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