Pets Help Prisoners in Indiana Prison Rehabilitate

We know that pets such as cats and dogs have a great effect on our psychological and mental well-being. They are not just companions; they can also be healers. They can help in improving our mood, as well as decrease our blood pressure. And finally, pets help in transforming lives.

Four years ago in the state of Indiana, the Animal Protection League started a program called F.O.R.W.A.R.D in Pendleton Correctional Facility.

The idea behind this initiative is to take cats from a shelter and place them in the correctional facility so inmates could take care of them. The program quickly proved to be beneficial for both cats and inmates.
Many cats who end up at the shelter, often have a long history of abuse and mistreatment, thus leaving them unable to properly socialize with humans.
While the cats are being taken care of by prisoners who feed them, clean after them and groom them, the animals become more social and trusting towards humans.
However, cats are not the only ones who benefit from the program. Inmates get a wonderful opportunity to learn how to care for and take responsibility for a living creature.
β€œIt teaches them responsibility, how to interact in a group using non-violent methods to solve problems and gives them the unconditional love of a pet – something many of these inmates have never known,” the APL writes on their website.

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(Image Credit: Pendleton Correctional Facility_ FORWARD/ Facebook)

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