When police in Santa Carina, Brazil, raided a factory that specializes in making fake luxury goods, they didn’t stop the production of fake handbag or clothes - instead, they stopped a family business who specialized in making luxury cars.
The bootleg factory was owned by a father and son, who offered the replicas through social media. Santa Carina Civil Police officers managed to seize eight semi-assembled replicas of Ferraris and Lamborghinis, as reported by CNN:
Police said the replicas were being offered through social media for between 180,000 Brazilian reals ($48,000) and 250,000 Brazilian reals ($66,000), a fraction of the list price for an original vehicle. According to motoring website motor1.com, the starting price for a Ferrari is around $215,000.
Tools, molds, fibers and frames used to manufacture the cars were also seized during the raid, police said.
The father and son pair are now arrested and will face criminal charges for falsification of commercial property. In addition, police officials also believe that the pair are the largest manufacturers of bootleg luxury vehicles in Brazil.
image credit: via CNN