Researchers Have Discovered New Cells That Can Heal The Heart

University of Calgary - a study led by research team of Paul Kubes, PhD became the first to discover an unidentified population of cells in the pericardial fluid found inside the sac around the heart.

The Kubes lab, in collaboration with the Fedak lab, found that a specific cell, a Gata6+ pericardial cavity macrophage, helps heal an injured heart in mice. The cell was discovered in the pericardial fluid (sac around the heart) of a mouse with heart injury. Working with Fedak, a cardiac surgeon and incoming Director of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, the same cells were also found within the human pericardium of people with injured hearts, confirming that the repair cells offer the promise of a new therapy for patients with heart disease.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

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This should be an Easter egg on the game. Or better, they should add this on the upcoming Skyrim DLC. I hope Dawnguard has some good stuff to show. I have been waiting for it long time ago. Who knows? Maybe it let's you create a Dovahbear character xD
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