Archive for July 14th, 2019

What’s Inside A Turtle Shell

Turtles are strange. Their shells are not just a covering, it's what mainly holds the turtle together. They can breathe from their butts. And then it gets weird. -via Digg...

Speedrunning Video Games, The Best Way To Play and Watch

<p>I kind of agree with what the article is trying to say. When you play video games, though the narrative is an important aspect, a lot of players don't necessarily play particular attention to them. Unles...

Fisherman Found a Surprise inside This Shellfish

<p>It wasn't a bivalve inside, but a completely different type of mollusk. While fishing in <a href="

Pirates Didn't Really Talk Like That

The Golden Age of Piracy gave us unforgettable characters that fed novels and films until we all have a concept of what a pirate of the era was like. The stereotype is so persistent that it gave us Talk Like A Ppirate Da...

How Do Countries Get Their Names?

Every name of every country has a story behind it, but if you look closely, those stories begin to resemble each other. Most country names fall into one of four categories:    a directional description of...

The Timeline of Jell-O Flavors From 1897 to 1997

People remember the flavors of Jell-O from their childhood differently, depending on who you talk to. Yes, there was a coffee flavored Jell-O. And tomato, and blackberry, and chocolate, and celery, and cola, and imitatio...

Women in Jazz: Breaking the Brass Ceiling

<p>Before, there weren't a lot of opportunities for women to succeed as musicians of jazz music. It has been dominated by male musicians ever since it started. But women have shown that they have much to co...

NASA Charts 4,000 Exoplanets in One Map

<p>We have discovered over 4,000 exoplanets since the 1990s and we will continue to chart new territories and places in space. So NASA made it a lot easier for us to see these exoplanets in a wider perspect...

A Walking Safari in Zambia

<p>Going on outdoor adventures is fun, thrilling, and exciting. There are so many activities one can do but one in particular might just help put things in perspective. Walking safaris might not be for the...

The L.A Times Spicy Snack Power Rankings

<p>Spices have been&nbsp;used to prevent and mask spoilage, impart flavor, and keep rats away. But, did you know that eating spicy things is now somewhat of a sport? Millennials and Gen Z-ers are the fo...

This Alaskan Moose Chills Out Next To A Sprinkler

<p>Alaska is in the midst of a record heat wave with a temperature hitting the 90s. According to NOAA, the normal temperature around this time usually ranges in the 60s.</p><p>As humans we can a...

Birthday Girl Orders Moana Cake But Receives A Marijuana-Themed Cake

<p>Kensli Davids, 24, shared <a href="" target="_blank">an unusual ca...

Parallel Park Perfectly In One Try Using Math

<p>Not all driver’s exams require parallel parking, but real life does, right? I don’t know about you, but I find it difficult to parallel park and I would take a few tries before I could do so....

The Boat Rooms On The Fuchun River

<p>The idyllic timber boat rooms on the Fuchun River in China will provide you <a href=""...

$32 Million Worth of Crypto Stolen By Hackers of Japanese Exchange Bitpoint

<p>Thirty-two million dollars were stolen from the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Bitpoint. The said cryptocurrency exchange has stated on their website that they have "identified an unauthorized out...

This Cat Lies Down Like a Human

View this post on Instagram 今日は、ちゃたのワクチン打ちに行って ちゃばの左目の瞼が腫れて涙目になってたので 診てもらったら結膜炎😢💦 . ずっと�...

The Future of Food: Cultured Meat

<p>“By 2050, it is expected that our global population will be close to 10 billion people,” says Thomas King, CEO of Food Frontier. “We literally can’t feed the world using the metho...

Group Punishment in Schools Not Effective in Correcting Child Behavior

<p>Collective punishment is when a group of people, in this case, a group of students (can be a class, or the whole grade), is punished for the actions of a few. Usually this is done by teachers to promote...

From Cliffs to Ocean Deep: Chelsea Yamase's Quest for Sustainable Living

View this post on Instagram Feeling like the queen of the sea🐟🐟🐟😌 No but really I don’t think we could have lined up this photo with my arms and the fish if we had tried... but somehow...

Telling Time with Linnaeus Using Plants' Internal Clocks

<p>Just as humans have an internal body clock that tells us when to go to sleep and to wake up, plants have their own system as well. Carl Linnaeus was able to observe and study this phenomenon when he saw...

First Actual Photo of Quantum Entanglement Revealed

<p>Several months ago, we had the very first photo of an actual black hole captured by the Event Horizon Telescope. For the scientific community, it was a big thing because then the glimpse into what black...

Who Knew? Chickens In Tutus Are A Thing

When you first see this, you might think, how cute, an artist made tutus for their chickens. But then you realize that it's not just one artist, but a whole bunch of different chicken farmers, artists, photograp...

Where Are All the Bob Ross Paintings?

Bob Ross was one-of-a-kind. He was a skilled painter, yet he kept it simple in order to inspire everyday viewers to try it themselves. The joy and encouragement he imparted were worth more than any artwork. During his br...

Melbourne's Hidden Gem: Textile Artist Showcases Her Creations Via Stop Motion Videos

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Instagram takes us behind the scenes on a textile artist's creative process on the first installment of their </span&g...

The Dismal Record of the US Military

<p>The US military is the largest and most expensive one in the world. Despite that, it also has a very dismal record in terms of winning wars since World War II.</p><p>They didn't have any succ...

Genetic Evidence Shows Insects Also Experience Chronic Pain

<p>We know that insects can sense danger and any other stimuli that might be perceived as harmful to them. But scientists have discovered that insects may also experience what we can describe as <a href=...

The Fascinating Daguerrotypes of Victorians Breastfeeding

We are used to seeing Victorian photographs as formally staged portraits, so the four portraits of 19th-century women breastfeeding are a rare treat. They each seem like a formal sitting, but when baby's hungry, you do w...

This Female Academic Suggests A New Dress Code In Retaliation

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Sexism in the workplace seems to be quite common, especially in professions that are “male-coded”. In the aca...

Could Millennials Kill Opera?

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Millenials are known for their short attention span, love for social media, and being able to articulate their opinions i...

The Most Boring Tourist Trap in Every U.S. State

Far & Wide presents a rather opinionated list of lame tourist traps in each state of the US. While the term "tourist trap" usually means something that exists solely to part you from your money, that's not the unifyi...

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