Wooly mammoths have been extinct for thousands of years, but frozen remains in the far north are being unearthed at an astonishing rate as the permafrost thaws due to climate change. However, it is illegal in Russia to trade in mammoth remains. Yet one man is advertising to sell a hat made of mammoth fur. Vladimir Ammosov of Yakutsk said a relative gave him the fur and he hired a specialist to make the hat of a traditional Yakutian design. He even has a certificate of authenticity from a mammoth expert! Ammosov is asking the equivalent of $10,000 for it. While that may seem a little steep, the hat comes with extra features.
The seller says that the hat can help to normalize blood pressure and cure headaches.
Considering how many mammoth fur hats are in use, one has to wonder how that claim was determined. Read the story and see more pictures of the mammoth hat at English Russia. -via Nag on the Lake