Arranmore, a picturesque Irish Island has taken the unusual step to keep their small community of 469 residents alive: to ask America and Australia to move in. CNN's Emily Dixon has got the details:
Arranmore, known as Arainn Mhor in Gaelic, boasts towering clifftops, unspoiled beaches, a close-knit community -- and high-speed internet, which community leaders hope will entice remote workers. Earlier this year, the island also opened a shared digital workspace.
"We're the most connected island in the world," Adrian Begley, of Arranmore Island Community Council, told CNN. "So we wanted to send a letter to the rest of the world to say we're here, we're open for business."
The open letters detail the decline of the Arranmore population, explaining: "Traditional industries such as fishing and farming just aren't enough of a draw to keep young people here anymore. It's been a challenge for people to work here. Until now."
"We've a whole host of multi-talented people here, ready to collaborate," the letters read, citing a graphic designer, a mobile games developer, a photographer and an app developer. "Or if you're looking for a change of pace. Why not come here. Your commute, no matter where you are, will only ever be five minutes."
I didn’t know the rest of the world entailed just America and Australia, but here's to wishing Arranmore gets to save its small community.
image credit: wikimedia commons (via Geyo John)