Archive for June 19th, 2019

She Wanted A Cake With Mariah Carey’s Face On It, She Got This Cake Instead

Perhaps one of the worst things that can happen to your birthday is having your cake made wrong. Such is the experience of Harriet’s cousin, Siobhan. According to Harriet’s tweet, her cousin told her col...

The Wonderful Illustrations of Owen Davey

<p>Owen Davey is the artist behind the designs of popular apps Two Dots and The Robot Factory. His distinctive minimalist approach to illustration have caught the attention of some prominent companies like...

The Tree With Matchmaking Powers

In a forest near Eutin, Germany, stands the Bridegroom's Oak. Legend has it that the tree holds magical powers to bring lovers together. Lonely people write letter to the tree, and have for decades. In fact, since 1927 t...

Man Suffers Heart Attack After Hearing News That Great-Great Grandson Was About To Be Born

<p>David Spaulding, 85, was spending his usual morning when his great grandson called him and brought news that their baby was going to be born. Upon learning this, <a href="

The "Mile Cry Club"

Have you ever cried on an airplane? If you cried in response to something concrete, like hearing "Does anyone know how to fly a plane?" then that's perfectly understandable. But many people report feeling more emotional...

Artists Create Hello Kitty-Inspired Art for 45th Anniversary

<p>Hello Kitty has captured the hearts of many people all over the world. And as the adorable character turns 45 this year, <a href="

Boaty McBoatface Has Successful Maiden Voyage

<p>Remember <a href="" target="_blank">Boaty McBoatface</a>? The autonomous submarine vehicle had a succe...

Ten Year Old Makes History by Climbing Yosemite National Park's El Capitan

<p>Last week, ten year old Selah Schneiter became the youngest person known to have climbed the 3,000ft vertical rock formation El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. Selah has been climbing since before she...

This Norwegian Island Wants to Abolish Time

<p><a href=",17.8241871,10.52z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x45c4ae3fa50818bf:0x34ed162bce063804!8m2!3d69.6276918!4d18.0347936" target="_blan...

These Are Kelvin-Helmholtz Clouds

<p>When Amy Hunter photographed this amazing cloud formation at <a href=",-80.1263285,9z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x884d4171deefaaa7:0xf167b8d...

Plants Can Sneeze, Too

<p>Yup. You’ve read it right. Apparently, plants can sneeze, too, through a phenomenon called the flinging effect.</p><blockquote>When two water drops unite, surface tension is released an...

Man Played Himself When He Stole His Neighbor’s CCTV Camera

<p>Haughton Louisiana — 43-year old Franklin Welzbacher Jr. unintentionally recorded himself stealing his neighbor’s camera. <a href="

Starbucks Japan and Their New Lemon Yoghurt Amazake Cheese Fermentation Frappuccino

<p>Rich yoghurt, tasty cheese, and a hint of the traditional Japanese amazake — what more could you ask for?</p><p>Starbucks Japan announced last week that they “would be mixing Japa...

Samsung Advises People To Scan Their TV For Viruses

<p>It looks like viruses are not only targeting smartphones and computers, but also TVs as well. Samsung just recently recommended owners of their latest TVs to run regular virus scans.&nbsp;</p>&...

"Stay With Me, Seriously Injured Person!" Says Hollywood, But Not Really

<p>It doesn't necessarily benefit someone who has been inflicted with a grave injury to stay conscious, far from what famous movie scenes would have us think. The logic behind staying awake might not be for...

My Film Podcast: Film For Your Thoughts

<p>Hello Friends And Colleagues,</p><p><br></p><p>I am writing this message as an announcement in welcoming the launch of my new film podcast Film For Your Thoughts. I will be...

TRUCKLA: The World's First Tesla Pickup Truck

Simone Giertz (previously at Neatorama) has an angle grinder and a welder, and she's not afraid to use them. Giertz got tired of waiting for Tesla to launch its electric pickup truck, so she made her own. Yes, the "queen...

What It Feels Like to Die From Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is a serious threat to human beings. With our modern architecture, air-conditioning is crucial, and power outages can be deadly. A heat wave in Europe killed 30,000 people in 2003. And it's not just the elder...

Arranmore Asks Americans and Australians to Move In

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Arranmore, a picturesque Irish Island has taken the unusual step to keep their small community of 469 residents alive: to...

Meet Taiwan's Great Wall of Propaganda Speakers

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Meet the </span><em style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Beishan Broadcast W...

Surprising Ways Your Community Has Your Back In A Disaster

Cracked's latest pictofacts competition brings us innovative ideas for dealing with emergencies from all over. What does your community offer? It appears that these things should be publicized more, so that not only will...

Prehistoric Baby Snake Fossil Found in Myanmar

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Surely you’ve heard of prehistoric insects trapped in amber, but what an international team of scientists led by Dr...

These Nestlings of Amazonian Bird Imitate Poisonous Caterpillars in Both Appearance and Behavior

<p>This is a nestling of the Cinereous mourner (Laniocera hypopyrra), a bird species widely distributed in Amazonia with a geographically separate population in the central Atlantic forest.</p><p&g...

Hollywood Hair Stylist Give Cuts to the Homeless

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Sascha Breuer is an in-demand Hollywood hairstylist, with a client list including Anne Hathaway, Keira Knightley, Naomi C...

Russia's Bridge House by BIO-Architects

View this post on Instagram Установка конструкций Дома над водой" в Тульской области. #bioarchitects #architecture #housebridge #wood #timber #д�...

Is Dodgeball Bullying?

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Dodgeball, a game where the objective is to hit other players with a rubber ball and eliminate them, is quite a popular g...

Herding Dogs Rally Some Ducks Through a Hula Hoop

<p>Dogs can be trained to do some really clever tricks as shown in a video where three herding dogs were coaxing four ducks to go through a hula hoop and then under a girl doing a back flip.</p><p&...

Fossil Shows Ancient School of Fish Swimming Together

<p>Researchers discovered a fossil showing <a href="" target="_blank">an ancient school...

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