It's a simple horn mounted on a belt that you can press during those horrible moments when you're stuck behind a slow walker.
My default walking speed is, apparently, much faster than most people So this is an invention I desperately need. Thanks to redditor rightcoastguy, it's a reality. He calls it the Frustration Button.
And it's far from his only brilliant innovation to improve the human condition . . . .
2 Spouts, 1 Bottle is perfect for those situations when you and a buddy need a drink and don't have time to wait on each other. A commenter suggests "Blow into it so it squirts your buddy in the face." Now that's just mean.
Are your iPhone Airpods falling out? It would be easy to lose them. It would be nice if Apple designed Airpods that would stay wired together so that they could be easy to keep. But until that fabled, utopian future, we must rely upon rightcoastguy's Tether Pods.
Are you a social media influencer? Do millions of people wait upon your brilliant observations and photos? No, and Reality Check 5000 reminds you of how insignificant and forgettable you are. It subtracts the number of people who follow you on Instagram from the current and regularly updated population of the whole world. See that number on the screen? That's how many people couldn't care less what you post online.
If you love these, you'd love the rest of Matt Benedetto's Unnecessary Inventions - check 'em out!