A Brief Look at Mensa: What It Does and How To Get In

You may have heard of the prestigious genius organization called Mensa and have thought, as everybody has, how highfalutin and egotistic it sounds.

But far from the impression of a condescending snobby society which the general population might perceive it to be, Mensa is actually a chill place for geniuses to hang out. It is open for anyone to join Mensa, as long as you pass the test that is.

While Mensa people may be portrayed as an ego-centric, nerdy, cliquey, sweater wearing eggheads, this simply isn’t the case. Anyone – no matter who they are – can become a member of this brilliant, prestigious world. Mensa includes members who are from ages two years old all the way to people who are 100 years old. There are auto mechanics and scientists, doctors and glassblowers, military people and supermodels.

Apart from that, the organization also does philanthropy by giving scholarships and holding outreach events, and doing research for the betterment of humanity.

(Image credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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Actually, most members qualify for Mensa without taking the test. If you have scored at or above the 98th percentile of nearly any recognized test of general intelligence at any point in your life (Mensa accepts more than 200 of them), you can join without further testing. Go to us.mensa.org for more information. BTW, I met my late wife in Mensa. We were what we call an M&M couple!
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I will second that recommendation. Local chapters are great places to meet people, especially at activities like monthly games nights or occasional field trips. The ubiquity of such groups can ease a lifestyle transition such as moving to a new city.
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If I may brag, I am a member - and I do recommend it to anyone who qualifies. Our membership is far more than just geeks and nerds, and many local chapters have lots of fun activities going on. If you live in or near Phoenix, AZ, our Annual Gathering takes place there on 3-7 July, 2019.
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