Game of Thrones' Finale According to Stephen King

Stephen King chimes in on predictions and possible directions that the final episodes of Game of Thrones will be as well as who he thinks would be sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of it all. He took to Twitter to share his thoughts and even quipped about his own story writing credibility. Via Bro Bible

(Image credits: Stephanie Lawton/Flickr, Wikimedia Commons, CC by SA 2.0; Stephen King/Twitter)

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This is a bad ending for anyone who's read the books or watched the show (come on, Cersei, Danny AND Jon dead?), but, well, cool toughts bro.A far better 'ending' would be to have Danny sit on the throne while facing the consequences of all the actions that GoT (yeah, bad pun) her there, such as losing her dragons and her loved ones (such as Barristan, Drogo and Jorah). Hell, I would love to see Danny confronting the maesters who said a few seasons ago that no one should bother about the White Walkers because the Wall would stop them (which pretty much confirms what we saw in the Long Night), but with her dead so that Tyrion could rule, well, it would just be a wasted opportunity.
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