Looking at the see-through church in Belgium from the side, it would appear as thought it is close to disappearing from view, like hazy streaks into the horizon. But the architectural design of this church is quite interesting.
The church is made of 100 metal plates, which are less than a half inch thick. It took 30 tons of metal and 2,000 columns to construct the church. The whole structure was placed on a reinforced concrete foundation. Visitors come to see the seemingly weightless chapel, which consists of two thousand rods connecting hundred layers of steel plates.
Built by Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout van Vaerenbergh, the installation was part of the Art in an Open Space campaign in 2011. It is situated at an orchard farm in Borgloon, Belgium.
(Image credit: Nolde16/Wikimedia Commons; CC by SA 4.0)
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