Children have the most adorable ways of communicating certain things and they have no bones about it. They will say what's on their minds without any self-editing mechanism because they haven't been exposed to a world of cues and subtle meanings behind body language and other forms of communication. It's savage but also cute.
A preschool teacher has to deal with all the issues children are concerned with every single day. They are the ones who have to mediate between tattling children. But if you're handling a dozen or twenty children in a class, it can get very tiresome. So what one preschool teacher did was to install a tattle phone where kids can tattle into which was recorded with permission.
Here are a few excerpts from the recording:
David Kestenbaum
OK. So I brought the phone into class, and I set it up. And the kids started to use it immediately and with great enthusiasm.
Kid 1
Eli told me a lie.
Kid 2
Seamus wasn't sharing with me, and I don't like it, and I'm very upset.
Kid 3
Nathan farted in my face, and I said, yuck, Nathan.
David Kestenbaum
Catch that one? Nathan farted in my face, and I said, yuck, Nathan. But the real crime?
Kid 3
And he didn't say excuse me.
The full transcript and podcast are on This American Life. -via MetaFilter
(Image credit: Ben Wicks/Unsplash)