Most spinal cord injuries are believed to be permanent and irreversible. Not this time. Doctors Ren Xiaoping and Sergio Canavero claim that they were able to repair fully severed animal spinal cords.
From South China Morning Post:
Ren Xiaoping and Sergio Canavero said the new work they published in a scientific journal showed that monkeys and dogs were able to walk again after their spinal cords were “fully transected” during surgery and then put back together again. The neurosurgeons described the results as medically “unprecedented”.
The highly experimental procedures took place at Harbin Medical University in China. Both studies were supported by video evidence and published in Surgical Neurology International, a peer-reviewed medical journal based in the United States.
This concept, however, will raise ethical concerns. See the full story here.
(Image Credit: Ooom/ Canavero / South China Morning Post)
Comments (1)
Oh but wait... Doesn't China already sell prisoner's organs to individuals waiting for a transplant? So what happened China grew a conscience and decided not to experiment on humans?
Obviously the reincarnated Josef Mengele is alive and well in CHINA.
Testing & Experimenting on any Animal is WRONG.
Animals do not belong to Humans.